Mikroe CAP Wheel 2 Click

Author : Mikroe Published Time : 2019-09-11
Mikroe CAP Wheel 2 Click is a capacitive touch sensor with integrated round-shaped electrodes. The click senses touch through plastic, wood, or other dielectric materials. It can be used to protect the surface of the PCB and the sensor pad trace itself. The board comes with an overlay made of plexiglass. The capacitive touch button lasts much longer unlike the mechanical button. It's not prone to damage and wear over time and it is very reliable. This Click board feature QS263B sensor which contains a ProxSense® module that uses patented technology to provide detection of proximity and touch conditions on numerous sensing lines.


On-board modules: IQS263B ProxSense® IC, a 3-channel projected (or self) capacitive proximity and touch controller from AzoteqAuto drift compensationLong proximity range


Used for touch activated lighting controls, process control, touch activated control panels, toys and any other applications that need a switch or an encoder
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